Gemma was delighted to receive an award from the Arts Council of Northern Ireland’s Lottery Funds under the General Art Award Scheme towards the costs of a project on the Causeway Coast, where she is originally from.
The aim was to create a large body of work based on the theme, building upon her existing strengths as a mixed media illustrator and to promote this beautiful part of the world. Gemma always intends for her work to be truly original, and in this case to also reflect this unique, iconic coastline. She created a body of illustrations inspired by first hand location studies. Some of the illustrations were created using materials which reflect the rugged landscape, such as Zecchi natural drawing stone.
These illustrations are now part of a new print and postcard range in Gemma's shop. The project was exhibited at the Puffin Gallery in Ballycastle over August 2018 and the Braid Arts Centre in Ballymena over January and February 2019. The project has also since led to Gemma being shortlisted and named a finalist for NI Young Artist of the Year 2018.